How fast are orders processed & dispatched?
We run a large, fully stocked, fully audited pharmacy warehouse. Our dedicated warehouse staff ensure the majority of orders are processed and dispatched ‘next day’. We will advise you of any delays.
What shipping methods are available?
We can organize all aspects of international shipping, from containers to small courier packages. Seafreight, airfreight, cold chain and more.
For courier packages we tend to work with world-class carriers including Anglo Pacific, USPS, TNT, EMS, UPS and Aus Post.
For airfreight, seafreight, we put the tender out to many companies, such as Kuehne Nagel, Quantium solutions (Singapore Post), Accord International.
We’re comfortable with all shipping systems, from ExWorks to CIF.
What are typical delivery times?
It depends on where we're shipping to and what service we are using, but here's a rough guide: US and Asian courier delivery targets are between 4 & 6 business days, 2-4 to Australia and 7-10 to Rest of the world. Express courier delivery times are 1-2 business days, sea freight and air freight can be multiple weeks.
Airfreight averages one week, seafreight – 6 weeks.
What are your terms?
We have flexible payment options, and may be able to accept escrow, letters of Credit, PayPal etc. We have a preference for payment via International Fund transfer, in advance, in NZD$.